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Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

Adopting Mindfulness-based Practices to Manage Stress at the Workplace

admin Oct 04, 2024

Workplace stress is a real concern that has far-reaching consequences. Overwhelmed by work stress, individuals tend to feel an impact on their performance, efficiency, leading to poor decision-making and strained interpersonal relationships at work. This increases the overall dissatisfaction at work and affects their physical and mental well-being. Study done by McKinsey (2022), talked about burnout challenges that are being experienced by employees worldwide due to unaddressed stress and its work place correlates thereby impacting mental health of the employees. Therefore, adopting a mindfulness-based approach at workplace and incorporating it into day- to-day lives can play a significant role in reducing stress and increasing overall well-being. 


Mindfulness at Workplace  

One of the common experiences shared by individuals in today’s faced-paced hectic work-life is the feeling of being rushed, restless and pressured given the kind of work-related lifestyle changes we have undergone. This is almost becoming our automatic state of ‘being’- unaware of our present moment with mental preoccupation about so much more. We don’t feel at ease. Mindfulness is about changing this default mode to a more aware state of being by learning to pay attention to your present moment. Substantial research over the years has shown associations between mindfulness practices with both job performance and health outcomes (Journal of Business Research, 2023). 


Mindfulness through Practices  

Being in the here and now is one of the core aspects of mindfulness. Being able to bring our attention to the task at hand, be it with work or interpersonal relations, increases the quality of the moment you are living. The other aspect of mindfulness is to practice being non-judgemental in our approach by being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. Here are some of the mindfulness-based strategies that workplaces can adopt to manage stress: 


  • Mindfulness practice training: Mindfulness is a way of living that requires training and practice. Organizing sessions for the individuals at work that help them to understand the positive impact of mindful living, its mental and physical health related benefits and teaches them to incorporate various mindfulness techniques into their routine would be beneficial. 


  • Mindful spaces: Organizations can create mindful spaces where individuals can relax and have some quiet time. These designated spaces should be equipped with various tools like music, art, breathing or meditation corners that can enhance their experience of having a mindful time. Such practices allow them to de-stress, increase their connection with self and improve their work performance.  


  • Mindful Breaks: Encourage individuals to take short mindful breaks with simple practices like walking, eating, breathing, observing or stretching. Breaks can significantly improve focus.  


  • Mindfulness In Thoughts and Actions: Practice being non-judgemental in your thoughts. Our assumptive conclusions to situations and people are a result of our conditioning. Making a conscious effort to see reality as it is, is a key to mindful living. It reduces our internal conflicts, builds perspective and provides a different lens to approach situations. Training individuals at work to learn to take a step back, observe and respond mindfully should be encouraged as a practice. Leaders should lead by example. 


  • Being effective: Multitasking is inevitable but to be effective, doing one task mindfully and then moving to the next is mindfulness practice. Multiple tasks in a day however one task at a time should be the way. It reduces the chances of errors and improves efficiency at work.  


Mindfulness can be an antidote to a lot of mindless and stressful activities that we engage in our day to day lives. Organisations can play a critical role in transforming workspaces by inculcating well-being though an approach of mindful living. 



  1. Addressing employee burnout: Are you solving the right problem?” McKinsey, May 27, 2022. 


  1. Anastasia Stuart-Edwards, Adriane MacDonald, Mahfooz A. Ansari. Twenty years of research on mindfulness at work: A structured literature review, Journal of Business Research, Volume 169, 2023,114285, ISSN 0148-2963. 


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