Bartholin’s Cyst: Understanding Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options
Chronic Bartholin’s cyst, a benign but relatively overlooked pathology, targets the Bartholin glands that are in pairs to either side of the vaginal orifice. These glands secrete a fluid that facilitate normal vaginal health. A cyst, normally known as Bartholin’s gland cyst, is formed when the ducts are blocked and fluid is retained. This is usually a normal condition, but if it leads to discomfort during intercourse or can develop into an infection, it requires medical attention.
Symptoms of Bartholin’s cyst
Bartholin’s cysts are usually asymptomatic, and the women involved may not even know they have a growth down there. Several situations may present with small, painless cysts that a person may not even be aware of and heal without any medical intervention. However, as the cyst grows, symptoms such as:
- A lump that appears near the vaginal opening will also be obvious
- Pain during sitting, walking or during intercourse
- There may be a slight oedema at the site of administration
- If the cyst becomes infected, a condition known as Bartholinitis, symptoms can escalate to include:
- Severe pain and tenderness
- Inflammation and large amounts of swelling in the vaginal regions
- Fever and
- Pus from of the abscess
- Diagnosing and treating kidney disease early enough to prevent further complications is important.
Causes of Bartholin’s cyst
The origin of a Bartholin’s cyst is based on obstruction of the Bartholin gland ducts. This obstruction can result from:
- Infection: Infections by such bacteria as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus or venereal pathogens as Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis lead to infection of the gland and the formation of a cyst.
- Injury or trauma: Minor injuries to the area of the vagina may cause blockage in the ducts leading to fluid build-up.
- Hormonal changes: These women may be more prone to duct blockages, especially during menstruation or even when pregnant.
Treatment options
- Bartholin’s cyst management depends on the size of the cyst, the presence of symptoms and whether the cyst is infected. As for the asymptomatic small, non-painful cysts, no intervention is usually indicated, whereas symptomatic or infected cysts require medical management.
- Home remedies: Home remedies can be an option for smaller cysts. They include a sitz bath, which is soaking in lukewarm water several times a day to promote natural drainage.
Medical Procedures:
- Incision and drainage (I&D): This is a regular surgery whereby the cyst is punctured so as to remove the accumulated fluids within the sac. In this case, a catheter may be placed to maintain proper drainage and avoid reoccurrence.
- Marsupialisation: This is done through surgery where the cyst is opened and then sewn so that there is always a passageway through it, avoiding blockage in the future.
- Antibiotic therapy: If the cyst is infected, the doctor will also give antibiotics to help get rid of the infection.
- Gland removal: In some instances, the cyst recurs or becomes infected. Then, the Bartholin’s gland is removed surgically.
Preventing Bartholin’s cyst
- Practice good genital hygiene.
- For hygiene purposes, wear cotton innerwear to avoid sweat accumulation.
- Practice safe sex as a way of reducing the number of STIs.
When to seek medical attention?
- Presence of severe pain
- Increased sweating and inflammation at the site
- Signs of fever and pus drainage
In conclusion, Bartholin’s cyst is a very manageable condition; nonetheless, knowledge of the symptoms, causes and treatment measures to be taken when a person is affected ought to be known. For this disease, people can use simple treatments like home remedies and surgical procedures like Bartholinitis treatment and Bartholin’s gland cyst treatment, among others. If you think you have this condition, do not wait to go to a doctor when you have a Bartholin’s cyst. This condition affects a lot of people; however, with proper care and follow-up, it is easy to ensure that they do not let this condition make your day uncomfortable.