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Fortis cures septuagenarian with complicated surgery, gives family new hope

Fortis Hospital, Anandpur, Kolkata Apr 12, 2015

In March 2014, Mr. Pankaj Kumar Mondal, a 77 year old gentleman from Burdwan was admitted into the emergency ward in a critical care unit in Burdwan. He and his family members had exhausted their options in Burdwan even after spending heavily on his treatment. They were not sure about what else could be done. After which he was finally brought into the emergency ward of Fortis Hospitals, Kolkata.

Mr. Mondal had a history of heart disease for which he underwent angiogram and angioplasty with stenting in December 2012. But soon in early 2014, he experienced repeated incidents of melaena which means that his stools were black and tarry, composed largely of blood that has been acted on by digestive juices, indicative of bleeding in the upper digestive tract. This was associated with vomiting blood. The situation could not be successfully managed in Burdwan with the expertise available even though he was kept in a Critical Care Unit for almost 15 days.

“We were at a loss and did not know what to do. We were referred by a friend who is an RMO to get a test done at Medicare” said Subrata Mondal, the patient’s son.

The test revealed a tumour in the stomach after which the family was referred to Dr. Rup Goswami, Consultant HBP (Hepato Pancreato Biliary) Surgeon at Fortis Hospitals, Anandapur, Kolkata.

“The patient had a significant history of ischemic heart disease with two stents with double anti-platelet therapy which made him prone to bleeding. He was presented with massive bleeding from the tumour requiring several units of blood transfusion and also had a tumor in the liver. We were able to stop the bleeding after which he underwent surgery in the form of resection of stomach tumour, wedge resection of liver lesion and cholecystectomy”, said Dr. Goswami.

This surgery was performed on 21st of March, 2014. He made an uneventful recovery and was discharged home on 31st of March 2014. He is now doing well and there is no tumour recurrence.

“We initially had our doubts about Dr. Goswami’s treatment, as well as about the hospital. We hit so many dead-ends and was very doubtful if we were going to be drained emotionally and financially again. But from the very beginning the Doctor was very helpful and confident about his procedure. He even showed us with diagrams as to what was going to be done. We are ever so grateful for his service because my father is now well, healthy and without any problems since the operation!”

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