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Press Release

Beware of heatstroke this summer

Fortis Escorts Hospital, Jaipur Apr 20, 2022

Jaipur, XX April, 2022: Summer season comes along with the scorching sun and that brings with it the risk of heatstroke. Even though the summer season has just started, a large part of north India is already seeing increase in cases of heatstroke and other related diseases. Most of the people who die of heat related illnesses may be saved if the awareness is made easily available to public at large and medical professionals in particular. Since it is a serious matter of concern for those spending a lot of time outdoors, Dr Praveen Kanojiya, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine at Fortis Escorts Hospital Jaipur shares common signs and symptoms of a heat stroke and also sheds light on ways to protect from the heatwave.

As and when the temperature rises above 40 deg c more and more people are exposed to heat and this may lead to heat related illnesses as well. This can be divided into 2 parts, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Heat exhaustion is common when the core body temperature goes beyond 37 deg c. The common signs of this condition are non-specific and may be manifested as malaise or lethargic feeling, increased thirst, loss of appetite/anorexia, weakness and easy fatigability, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, raised body temperature or hyperthermia, confusion and decrease urine output. One can suffer from heat stroke without heat wave too. This is called as exertional heatstroke and it mainly affects young, active people.

Dr Kanojiya, said, "Generally people get to know if they're suffering from a heat stroke when the body starts giving signals of overheating just like a car carburetor does. If the signs get neglected and undiagnosed, the patients are at high risk of altered mental status, confusion, slurred speech, irritability, delirium, seizures and even coma. In some cases, it may further lead to multi-organ dysfunction along with other major risk factors. Patients suffering from co-morbidities such as chronic heart diseases, lung or kidney disease and above 65 should avoid walking, exercising in hot weather conditions.” 

Dr Praveen Kanojiya shares a few tips for all to protect themselves from heatwave:

  • Wear loose-fitted lightweight clothing
  • Carry an umbrella or white brimmed hat
  • To protect against sunburn, use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30, use it liberally. Also, make use of umbrella, sunglass etc. People suffering from skin ailments and contagious diseases must avoid direct sunlight at any cost.
  • With rising temperatures, the most common problem to hit people is dehydration, especially those who work outdoors. Not staying hydrated can cause health issues such as nausea, excessive sweating, dry mouth, dizziness, headache etc. So, avoid heat exposure and do not forget to stay hydrated.
  • Use ORS, homemade drinks like lassi, lemon water, buttermilk, etc. to keep yourself hydrated. Avoid consuming drinks such as soda, alcohol, and other beverages that are loaded with sugar. This can cause your body to dehydrate further.
  • Choose early morning or late evening for daily exercises, take rest in between and keep yourself hydrated
  • whenever you go shopping or while running errands, never leave anyone in a parked car, especially the elderly or children, as the temperature of the car rises by 20 degrees C within 10 minutes
  • Indulge in foods with high fibre and water to regulate your body's hydration levels. Avoid eating heavy meals as it can lead to a disturbed digestive system
  • Review the dosage of medication with your doctor

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Fortis Healthcare Limited – an IHH Healthcare Berhad Company – is a leading integrated healthcare services provider in India. It is one of the largest healthcare organizations in the country with 27 healthcare facilities (including projects under development), 4100 operational beds and over 419 diagnostics centres (including JVs). Fortis is present in India, United Arab Emirates (UAE) & Sri Lanka. The Company is listed on the BSE Ltd and National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. It draws strength from its partnership with global major and parent company, IHH, to build upon its culture of world-class patient care and superlative clinical excellence. Fortis employs 23,000 people (including SRL) who share its vision of becoming the world’s most trusted healthcare network. Fortis offers a full spectrum of integrated healthcare services ranging from clinics to quaternary care facilities and a wide range of ancillary services.


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