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Press Release

Fortis Hospital Noida celebrates victory over Tobacco induced Cancer on ‘World No Tobacco Day’

Fortis Hospital, Noida May 30, 2016

Fortis Hospital, Noida presented two patients cured of cancer induced by tobacco chewing on the occasion of World No Tobacco Day. The conference was led by Dr. Gagan Saini, Senior Consultant, Department of Radiation Oncology, Cancer Therapy Centre, Fortis Hospital, Noida.

The World No Tobacco Day is observed all over the world every year on 31st May. The day is celebrated to encourage a 24 hour period of abstinence from all forms of tobacco consumption across the globe as Tobacco causes cancer.

Ajab Singh, age 66 years, had been a smoker since many years. A swelling in the right side of the neck brought him to Fortis Hospital, Noida. Tests revealed that he was suffering with throat cancer. The patient underwent surgery followed by radiation therapy with image guided radiotherapy alongwith chemotherapy. Perseverance brought him out victorious out of the disease.

Shailendra Mani, age 45 years, was a chronic guthka (tobacco) chewer presented to Dr. Saini with mouth ulcer. He also underwent surgery followed by radiation therapy and image guided radiotherapy. The patient is now cured of the disease over more than two years.

Dr. Gagan Saini, Senior Consultant, Department of Radiation Oncology, Cancer Therapy Centre, Fortis Hospital, Noida said, “Everybody is aware that tobacco causes cancer. Generally tobacco is used as either bidi or guthka in our country. About one-third of our country’s population older than 15 yeas uses tobacco, and it is no wonder that we see one million deaths each year that are related to tobacco. Both my patients discovered the results due to chronic tobacco usage. While these cases described are head and neck cancers, tobacco are (both smoke and smokeless) causes cancer of lung, food pipe and stomach also. The principle behind treatment of head and neck cancer is addressing the loco-regional cancer aggressively with radiation therapy or surgery (coupled with chemo in selected cases). It has been shown in studies that adequate addressing of local disease leads to better out come.” Dr. Gagan Saini added.

For more information, please contact:

Fortis Healthcare Ltd.

Ajey Maharaj +91- 9871798573;
[email protected] 
Vidya Pawan Kapoor: +91 9899996189
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Joyshree Saikia: +91 9711972019
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Avian Media

Rishu Singh, +91-9958891501;
[email protected] 
Neeraj Shorya, +91- 9911856010
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