Major Limb-Saving Surgery Performed On 10-Year-Old At Fortis Noida
The team at Fortis Hospital, Noida recently demonstrated clinical deftness and skill, successfully preventing a crippling injury on a 10-year-old boy from Noida. The emergency team under Dr Dina Shah, Additional Director, Department of Emergency, the team reached the park where Aryan lay on the ground in excruciating pain, bleeding heavily. Dr Vaibhav Mishra, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery performed a major, limb-saving surgery on Aryan Lavania, 10 years, who was seriously injured while playing in his neighbourhood park.
It was a normal sunny afternoon when Aryan was cycling in the park near his home when his bag fell on the ground. He tried to pick the bag up while still in a sitting position on the cycle, but lost balance. The handle bar of his bicycle pierced his left upper thigh, impaling the limb. The emergency team from Fortis, Noida rushed to the spot and resected the child with intravenous fluid and pain management. Due to the hot waves the child became dehydrated eventually and was in that excruciating pain too. The Emergency medical team patiently managed and waited till the cycle vendor came to cut off the handle bar from the cycle. Once the cycle was removed, swiftly took Aryan to the hospital with the lodged part of the handle still inside his thigh. Relevant investigations were quickly done. The patient underwent exploration of the wound and left femoral vessels with the removal of the cycle handle at the operation theatre under close supervision. Aryan left the Hospital after two days, happily, with few general advisories given by the treating doctors.
Dr. Dina Shah, Additional Director, Department of Emergency, Fortis Hospital, Noida shared, “It was sheer luck that no one tried to yank the handle bar out of Aryan’s limb, else the scenario could have been fatal. For the safety of the patient, it is important that any foreign object that has pierced the body part is left as it is and is cut or attended to externally by experts. People must remember that in a situation like this, it is always best to call an ambulance with trained paramedical staff who can handle situations and support the patient to survive through the crisis and shift the patient to Hospital for definite care.”
Dr. Vaibhav Mishra, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardio Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, Fortis Hospital, Noida shared, “Foreign object in such cases can cuts through major blood vessels, if it is forcefully pulled out, there could be uncontrolled and excessive bleeding, proving fatal in some cases. We repaired his bleeding vessels, had his reconstructive skin and tissue surgery. The patient left the Hospital for his home after 48 hours.”
Dr Kousar Ali Shah, Zonal Director, Fortis Hospital, Noida said, “The vital focus for our team has always been combining quality expertise with compassionate and swift delivery of patient-centric healthcare services. Even though Aryan was bought in a perilous situation and had lost a lot of blood, our emergency team with active assistance from the cardio-thoracic division carefully planned the surgery meticulously, ensuring that the patient goes back home having recovered successfully”.
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