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Establishing The Routine During The Covid-19 Pandemic
Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences

Establishing The Routine During The Covid-19 Pandemic

Dr. Varisha Kamal Nov 23, 2020
Varisha-Kamal Enormous disruption to our normal lives has become the biggest challenge in the times of pandemic. The standard routine of every individual is jolted in this situation. Job loss, work from home, online education, increased use of technology, decreased physical activity, etc. has changed the dynamics of normal lifestyle. These effects have translated into different range of emotional reactions (distress, anxiousness, insecurity, confusion, fear, isolation) and unhealthy behaviour (excessive substance abuse) which is deteriorating individuals’ mental health. It has become necessary to establish a structure to our day to have a healthy physical and mental health. It has also become very essential to maintain the stability and deal with the uncertainty. Having a routine not only helps us with health benefits, it also lays out the guide for our day which can help us become more productive. Establishing a routine or making a new routine can be challenging sometimes because the thought pattern and behaviour is practiced enough, our brain adapt it and turn it to an automatic process which can also be called habit. Some of the ways to change these habits and establish a routine is as follows:
  • Make a list of your daily tasks: The first step is to look what you’re supposed to do every day. Write down the points and keep on adding for an initial week as you remember them. Ask yourself what you want to focus on? What Is important to you right now? What is on your priority? What unhealthy habits you need to eliminate from your life to live healthy? What you’re supposed to do before starting your work? What you can do to have healthy meals? What you can do to exercise?
  • Set a Goal for your routine: Setting a goal for your routine can make you more productive and can help you accomplish your ultimate goal. For instance: If you’re not able to concentrate on your work then start by making your workstation outside your room so that you can focus more on your work.
  • Layout a plan: Acknowledge that an unhealthy habit developed during the pandemic will be challenging to change. Set realistic goals for yourself. Start with small goals and celebrate them which can give you the sense of accomplishment. Reflect and assess which time of the day you have high energy and you’re able to focus more hence, keep the complex task for that time. Remind yourself everyday of these goals you have set for yourself and self-reflect on them for maintaining the healthy routine. Create a to do list this will be a constant reminder of your routine and will also give you the sense of satisfaction after completion of the task.
  • Be consistent with time: Try to attempt the task at the same time as mentioned in your schedule. Starting and completing your tasks on the same time can keep you motivated to get going with your routine and can also help being consistent.
  • Keep a track of your progress: At the end of everyday keep a check on your progress towards your goals and acknowledge whether your routine is helping you to reach your goals, if not try to consider the aspects of the routine which needs improvement to reach a desirable results. When you feel overwhelmed and face mental resistance, be kind to yourself and practice self-care.
  • Make changes to your routine when needed: After following your routine and testing it, you can always add or subtract things to make it an achievable goal.


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Meet the doctor

Dr. Varisha Kamal
Dr. Varisha Kamal
| Fortis Shalimar Bagh
  • Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences
  • Psychology | Clinical Psychology
  • Date 4 Years
  • INR 700

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