I met Dr. Manisha with a lot of apprehension, self doubts about my fertility status and whether being at the wrong side of 40 had completely annulled my chance of being a mother once again. She broke down my odds into 3 parts and they completely made sense to me. It's during this first meeting she told me 'Darling, you have hit the goal post earlier, why are youo limiting yout thoughtd by saying I can't do it again?." There. That was it bulls eye, that was the first confidence booster shot that I desperately needed, an assurance to dream, a comforting support saying we are all in this together ! And look after a year! Happy Parenting To Us! Dr. Manisha you have been blessed with the magic of healing powers by the almighty and I am so happy that I found you! Your practical approach, direct communication, assurance backed with logic and science, approachable attitude have a very positive influence not only on me but my family! Rainbow is proof of that and now Amyra!. May yyou be the chosen one to deliver loads of happiness to people who seek the magic of your healing powers. Thank you Doc & stay blessed always.
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