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Submitted by monika.chaudha… on

Gas Problem in Stomach: Symptoms and Treatment | In this educational video, Dr. Vipul Roy Rathod, Director of Gastroenterology at Fortis Hospital Mulund, delves into the intricacies of gastric issues. From the causes to the symptoms and treatment options, Dr. Rathod provides valuable insights into managing stomach gas problems. Whether it's due to a weak digestive system, imbalanced digestive juices, food allergies, or swallowing air while talking or eating too quickly, various factors can contribute to gas-related complaints. Dr. Rathod explains how imbalances in the microbiome of the small and large intestines can also lead to gas issues. If you're seeking to understand more about gas-related problems, this video offers valuable information. Don't forget to share it with your loved ones to spread awareness about maintaining digestive health.

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