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Use of left Internal Thoracic Artery graft85.81%84.83%84.58%85.03%81.36%74.20% *
Need for Bail out Intra Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP)1.87%2.27%2.47%1.77%2.73%--
Perioperative Myocardial Infarction0.37%0.33%0.24%0.28%0.19%0.96% **
Post procedure neurological stroke0.33%0.36%0.13%0.17%0.19%0.80% *
Need of Re-exploration surgery1.91%1.21%1.20%1.55%1.62%3.50% *
Deep sternal wound infection0.20%0.42%0.58%0.78%0.88%0.20% *
Predicted mortality2.42%3.00%3.03%2.52%2.61%--
Mortality during same hospital admission1.77%2.24%1.89%1.66%2.24%--

µ Non risk adjusted

# Includes clinical outcome from those Fortis hospitals whose data is published on FHL website; doesn't represent all Fortis hospitals across India  
Outcomes data of 2020 & 2021 not published due to impact of COVID pandemic


¶ STS Annual Report 2019  
* Cleveland Clinic Outcomes Report 2014  
** Texas Heart Institute 2014

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