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  • Mr Sano Mahto Sep 4, 2023

    Prostate Cancer | The Success Story of Mr. Sano Mahto | Dr Mohan Keshavamurthy

    "His determination and positivity helped him fight cancer and emerge as a WINNER." ~ Dr. Mohan Keshavamurhty, Director- Urology, Uro oncology, Uro- Gynaecology, Andrology, Kidney Transplant & Robotic Surgery, Fortis Hospitals, Bangalore.

    Treated BY: Dr. Mohan Keshavamurthy
    Urology | Fortis Hospital BG Road Bangalore
  • Mr. Ibrahim Birma Sep 4, 2023

    Kidney Tumor Removal Surgery | Story of Mr. Ibrahim Birma | Fortis Bangalore


    Mr. Ibrahim Mohammed Birma, shares his story with us and thanks Dr. Mohan Keshavamurthy, Director - Urology, Andrology, Uro-oncology & Kidney Transplant at Fortis Hospitals Bangalore, for his dedicated support in treating his condition.…

    Treated BY: Dr. Mohan Keshavamurthy
    Urology | Fortis Hospital BG Road Bangalore
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