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What is rTMS ?

Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a cutting-edge therapeutic neuromodulation intervention which is being widely used to address various mental health and neurological disorders. 

It utilises electromagnetic coil placed on the scalp of the individual which produces a strong magnetic field around the brain. The magnetic pulse painlessly pass through the brain stimulating or inhibiting the targeted areas. It is safe and non-invasive, outpatient procedure that does not require any kind of anaesthesia and has no significant side effects. 

It is indicated in conditions such as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), smoking cessation and Migraine with aura. However, it is currently being researched in multiple other psychiatric disorders including auditory hallucinations and has given effective results in many clinical studies. 

It offers a promising alternative for patients who have not responded adequately to conventional treatments or who are not able to tolerate the medication.  

Why Choose Us

  • Evidence Based Practices
  • Standardised Protocol and Personalized Treatment Plans
  • Comprehensive Care Approach
  • Proven Effectiveness
  • Administered by Psychiatrist
  • Accessible and Convenient

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  • How long does each session last?
    Each rTMS session usually lasts for around 30-55 minutes, however depending on the clinical evaluation, targeted brain area and protocol the duration may vary. Your Psychiatrist will give you a more precise duration based on your individual treatment plan.
  • Can I have more than one session of rTMS in a day?
    Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) protocols typically involve one session per day over a period of several weeks. This daily schedule is designed to allow the brain time to adapt and respond to the stimulation. One can also be given two sessions in a day with a gap of atleast 6 hours between the two sessions.
  • Do I have to come to the clinic everyday?
    Yes, rTMS treatment typically requires daily visits to the clinic, we follow six days a week schedule, for several weeks. The exact duration of the treatment course can vary but often lasts about 4 to 6 weeks.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    The number of rTMS sessions needed can vary depending on the condition being treated and the individual's response to the therapy. Typically, a standard course of rTMS involves about 30-40 sessions, administered over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. Some patients may require additional sessions based on the progress and symptoms. Your Psychiatrist will tailor the treatment plan to your specific needs.
  • How will I know if I respond to rTMS?
    Your response to rTMS will be assessed through regular evaluations by the Psychologist. Signs of a positive response will be based on symptoms reduction. Improvement may be gradual, and it is important to communicate regularly with your Psychiatrist to track progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
  • Is there a recovery period after an rTMS session?
    There is no recovery period and patients are able to go about their daily activities immediately following treatment. Some patients may report a mild headache following treatment, however, this is generally at the beginning of treatment.
Blood Cancer treatment in Bangalore
Fortis Hospital offers advanced care for a variety of blood disorders,
Haematology at Fortis Hospital: Expert Care for Blood Disorders

Understanding and Treating Blood Conditions

At Fortis Hospital, we understand that blood disorders can be a source of concern. Our dedicated team of hematologists is here to provide comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and support for a wide range of blood conditions.

What is Haematology?

Hematology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the blood, blood-forming organs (bone marrow), and the immune system. Hematologists diagnose and treat disorders affecting red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and the proteins involved in blood clotting.

Conditions We Treat

Fortis Hospital offers advanced care for a variety of blood disorders, including:

•     Anaemia’: Conditions characterized by a deficiency in red blood cells or hemoglobin, leading to fatigue and shortness of breath.

•     Leukaemia: Cancers of the blood and bone marrow that affect white blood cell production.

•     Lymphomas: Cancers of the lymphatic system affecting white blood cells.

•     Myeloma: A cancer of plasma cells in the bone marrow.

•     Bleeding disorders: Conditions like hemophilia that affect blood clotting.

•     Thalassemia: A genetic blood disorder affecting hemoglobin production.

•     Sickle cell disease: A genetic condition that causes red blood cells to become sickle-shaped.

Our Approach to Blood Disorder Care

At Fortis, we believe in a personalized approach to blood disorder care. Our team will work closely with you to understand your individual needs and develop a treatment plan that is right for you. We utilize advanced diagnostic tools and offer a range of treatment options, including:

•     Blood transfusions

•     Bone marrow transplants

•     Dietary modifications

•     Oral and intravenous medications

•     Chemotherapy

•     Targeted therapies

Early detection is key to successful blood disorder management. If you are experiencing any symptoms of a blood disorder, contact Fortis Hospital today to schedule a consultation.

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Oncology Care at Fortis Hospital, Anandapur

Timely diagnosis can save your life. Fortis Hospitals, Anandapur has taken multiple safety measures so you receive safe care for all your health needs. With cancer treatment, acting at the right time may make all the difference. So, don’t let the delay your cancer treatments, Visit Fortis Hospital, Anandapur your Guardian of Health for Comprehensive and safe oncology and oncosurgery procedures.

Right from the diagnosis to the staging of the disorder and its treatment and management, our doctors brainstorm together on the best mode of treatment following stringent diagnostic and staging protocols, making Fortis Hospital, Anandapur at the frontline of specialized oncology care.

Why Choose Us

  • Specialized Team for Onco Screening
  • International Patients Services
  • Advanced Medical Care
  • Robotic Oncology Surgery available

Our Team of Experts


  • How is cancer diagnosed?
    Cancer is diagnosed through a combination of methods, including physical examinations, imaging tests (like CT scans, MRIs, and X-rays), laboratory tests (such as blood and urine tests), biopsy (removal of a small tissue sample for examination), and genetic testing.
  • What is a biopsy?
    A biopsy is a medical procedure in which a small sample of tissue is removed from the body for examination under a microscope to determine if cancer or other abnormal cells are present.
  • How often should I get screened for cancer?
    Screening frequency depends on individual risk factors, including age, family history, lifestyle, and specific guidelines for different types of cancer. It's important to follow your doctor's recommendations for cancer screenings.
  • What is chemotherapy?
    Chemotherapy is a type of cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells or stop them from growing and dividing. It can be administered orally, intravenously, or through other methods.
  • How can I manage side effects of cancer treatment?
    Side effects vary depending on the type of treatment but may include fatigue, nausea, pain, and hair loss. Managing side effects involves working closely with your healthcare team to find effective medications, lifestyle changes, and supportive therapies.
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