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110+ Successful BMT's
6+ Dedicated BMT Beds
7 Times JCI Accredited Hospital
ভারতে ব্লাড ক্যান্সারের চিকিৎসা

ফোর্টিস হসপিটালস মুম্বাই, বোন ম্যারো বিভাগ ক্যান্সার সহ রক্তের বিভিন্ন রোগের চিকিৎসার জন্য অস্থিমজ্জা প্রতিস্থাপনের প্রয়োজন হয় এমন সমস্ত বয়সের রোগীদের জন্য ব্যাপক যত্ন প্রদান করে। আমাদের ট্রান্সপ্লান্ট টিমে প্রাপ্তবয়স্ক এবং শিশুদের জন্য আধুনিক প্রতিস্থাপন কৌশল সম্পাদনের ব্যাপক অভিজ্ঞতার সাথে বিশেষজ্ঞদের সমন্বয়ে গঠিত, যেমন অটোলগাস ট্রান্সপ্লান্ট (রোগীর নিজস্ব কোষ সহ), অ্যালোজেনিক ট্রান্সপ্ল্যান্ট (দাতার কোষ সহ) এবং/অথবা কর্ড ব্লাড ট্রান্সপ্লান্ট (নাভির কর্ড কোষ সহ)। কেন্দ্রের অত্যাধুনিক অস্থি মজ্জা প্রতিস্থাপন সুবিধা একটি সহযোগিতামূলক পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করে, হেমাটোলজি, সংক্রামক রোগ, অনকোলজি এবং পেডিয়াট্রিক্সের মতো বিভাগে কাজ করে, ক্লিনিকাল অবস্থার উপর ভিত্তি করে রোগীদের ব্যক্তিগতকৃত যত্ন প্রদান করে, উদাহরণস্বরূপ, একটি অস্থি মজ্জা প্রতিস্থাপন হাসপাতালে একটি বহিরাগত রোগীর পদ্ধতি হিসাবেও করা যেতে পারে।  

৬ শয্যাবিশিষ্ট ইউনিটটি, শহরের পূর্ব শহরতলিতে এই ধরনের বৃহত্তম ইউনিট। রোগীকে যত্নকে কেন্দ্রে রেখে এই শাখার পরিকাঠামো পরিকল্পিত এবং কার্যকর করা হয়েছে। বিশ্বমানের, শক্তিশালী সংক্রমণ নিয়ন্ত্রণ অনুশীলন অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে ডিজাইনটিকে আন্তর্জাতিক মানের করা হয়েছে।  

Why Choose Us

  • ২১+ বছরের দক্ষতা এবং অভিজ্ঞতা
  • ডেডিকেটেড ৬-শয্যা বিশিষ্ট ইউনিট
  • শক্তিশালী সংক্রমণ নিয়ন্ত্রণ
  • মাল্টি-ডিসিপ্লিনারি বোন ম্যারো এবং স্টেম সেল ট্রান্সপ্লান্ট টিম
  • ইন-হাউস রেডিওলজি, ল্যাব এবং ব্লাড ব্যাঙ্ক
  • ভাষা এবং মুদ্রা রূপান্তর সহায়তা

Our Team of Experts

Fortis - Best Blood Cancer Hospitals in India

Fortis Blood Disorder Institute

  • ফোর্টিস মুম্বাইয়ের ব্লাড ডিসঅর্ডার কেয়ার ব্লাড ক্যান্সার (লিউকেমিয়া, লিম্ফোমা, একাধিক মাইলোমা)
  • জেনেটিক ডিসঅর্ডার এবং ইমিউনোডেফিসিয়েন্সি রোগ
  • জেনেটিক ডিসঅর্ডার এবং ইমিউনোডেফিসিয়েন্সি রোগ
  • ব্লাড টিউমার

Our patient’s stories


  • What is a bone marrow transplant (BMT) ?
    A Bone Marrow Transplant, also known as a Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT), is a medical procedure that involves replacing damaged or diseased bone marrow with healthy stem cells. These stem cells can come from the patient themselves (autologous transplant) or a compatible donor (allogeneic transplant).
  • What is the purpose of a Bone Marrow Transplant ?
    The primary goal of a Bone Marrow Transplant is to treat various conditions like certain types of cancer (leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma), severe aplastic anemia, and genetic disorders that affect the production of blood cells.
  • How does a bone marrow transplant work?
    The procedure involves three main stages: a. Conditioning: High-dose chemotherapy, radiation, or a combination of both is administered to destroy the diseased marrow and suppress the immune system to prevent rejection. b. Transplantation: Healthy stem cells are infused into the patient's bloodstream, where they migrate to the bone marrow and start producing new blood cells. c. Engraftment: It is the phase where the transplanted stem cells begin to grow and produce healthy blood cells.
  • What types of bone marrow transplants are there?
    There are three main types of Bone Marrow Transplants: a. Autologous Transplant: The patient receives their previously collected and stored stem cells. b. Allogeneic Transplant: Stem cells come from a healthy donor whose tissue type closely matches the patient's. c. Syngeneic Transplant: The stem cells come from an identical twin of the patient.
  • How is a donor matched for an allogeneic transplant?
    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing is performed to determine the compatibility between the patient and potential donors. The more closely the HLA markers match, the better the chance of a successful transplant.
  • What factors determine the cost of a bone marrow transplant in India?
    The cost of a bone marrow transplant in India varies depending on factors such as the type of transplant, the hospital where the procedure is performed, and the patient's medical condition. Additional expenses may include pre- and post-operative care, medications, diagnostic tests, and hospital stay.
  • What is the success rate of bone marrow transplants in India?
    The success rate of bone marrow transplants in India varies depending on several factors, including the type of transplant, the patient's medical condition, and the expertise of the medical team. Generally, matched sibling donor transplants have a success rate of around 90%.
  • What modes of payment do you accept?
    The mode of payment will be either cash or bank transfer or international credit/debit card/Online Payment. 100 % payment needs to be deposited before surgery/procedure/investigations.
  • Any special facilities and services that you provide international patients?
    ✅ Complimentary Airport pickup and drop ✅ Assist with SIM card, provided to you immediately after your arrival, so that you can talk to your relatives back home ✅ VISA/FRRO assistance ✅ Language interpreters ✅ Foreign Exchange conversion ✅ In-room color television & cable connection ✅ Complimentary Wi-Fi in few of our hospitals ✅ Complimentary stay in your room for one attendant (attendant will have to vacate the hospital room while patient is in OT/ICU. Attendant can be accommodated in a nearby guesthouse.) ✅ Special arrangements to meet specific religious or dietary needs.
  • What about my doctor appointments?
    Our International Patient Coordinator will liaise between you and the hospital. He/She will arrange your appointment and assist for further investigations and treatment.
  • Where will I stay till I’m admitted to the hospital or after I’m discharged?
    Basis your requirements, we can arrange accommodation for you and your attendant close to the hospital at nearby guest houses, service apartments or luxurious 5-star hotels. Facilities like hospital visits, cab services and emergency ambulance can also be arranged by International Patient Coordinator.
  • Will you arrange for an airport pickup?
    Sure. Before your arrival, our International Patient coordinator will provide the name and contact details of our representative who will be present at the airport to receive you with your name on Fortis Placard. This person will escort you to the hospital or guest house / hotel booked in advance.
  • Can you help me get a visa?
    Certainly. Once you confirm your visit to our facility for medical treatment, we will send a visa invitation letter to the Indian Embassy in your country. A copy of the letter will be shared with you on email for reference. Kindly share the following details via email in case you require a visa invitation letter: ✔ Patient's name and passport number (along with a copy of passport) ✔ Medical escort's name and passport number (along with a copy of passport) ✔ Country ✔ Tentative date of arrival at Fortis for treatment. ✔ Incase medical opinion is not taken from Fortis, then please share the medical report/ referral ✔ letter from a local doctor from your country.
  • How does Fortis Healthcare compare with other hospitals?
    Fortis Healthcare Limited – an IHH Healthcare Berhad Company – is a leading integrated healthcare services provider in India. It is one of the largest healthcare organizations in the country with 27 healthcare facilities, 4,300 operational beds and 400 diagnostics centers. International Exposure Over 2,00,000 international patients were treated from 175+ countries. We also have 20+ international Govt. tie-ups. Premium Services Fortis is known for providing excellent service for its international patients, making the care delivery system flawless and convenient for everyone. Choice Of Location Fortis Hospitals are located across all major metro and non-metro Indian cities and one can decide to get treated at a location of his/her choice. Value For Money Fortis provides world-class service at competitive rates.
  • How does India compare with other countries for medical treatment?
    In the recent years, the healthcare technology in India has leaped to the forefront owing to significant contributions from advancements that are at the center of Indian healthcare system currently and are being monitored via new regulatory frameworks so that patients continue to get benefits. Indian Government also aims at promoting MVT (Medical Value Travel) and taking initiative like HEAL IN INDIA, where we seek to provide "integrated and holistic treatment" to the world and enhance patient mobility for access to world class, affordable, and quality healthcare services
  • What if my Visa expires in middle of treatment?
    Patient attendant needs to report to International Patient care coordinator at least 7 days prior to Visa’s expiry. He/she will assist you with the Visa extension process. Charges for Visa extension must be borne by patient as per Government charges.
  • What is the process to avail International Insurance?
    We have multiple International Insurance companies on our panel. We request you to kindly share the name of your insurance company or Third-Party Administrator (TPA) and a front/back copy of your insurance card to assist you further.
  • Will I be able to claim my medical expenses from my health insurance provider?
    This depends upon your policy clauses and can be confirmed by your insurance company only. In case you are eligible for pay and reimburse, then Fortis team will help you with all relevant medical documents related to your treatment conducted at Fortis.
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Fortis Mumbai - Best Cancer Hospital in India

Fortis Hospitals Mumbai is a renowned destination for cancer treatment in India. With cutting-edge technology and a holistic approach, our Center of Excellence in Oncology provides comprehensive care for all cancer stages and types. Our team of specialists covers the full spectrum of oncology, from medical therapies such as hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and chem0therapy, to advanced surgical interventions, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplants, and hematology. Proficient in diagnosing complex cases and utilizing state-of-the-art technologies, our oncologists deliver exceptional care across all age groups.


Cancer Treatment in Mumbai, India

As a leading cancer hospital in Mumbai, we are committed to quaternary care, setting new benchmarks in cancer treatment. For treatment or any queries, please fill out the form to get in touch with us and experience unmatched cancer care at Fortis Hospitals' Mumbai.

Why Choose Us

  • Team of Experienced Oncologists
  • JCI & NABH Accredited Hospitals
  • Clinical Excellence
  • Cutting-Edge Techniques, Technologies and Facilities
  • Language and Currency Conversion Support
  • Expert Pre & Post Operative Care

Our Team of Experts

Fortis Mumbai - Best Hospitals for Cancer Treatment

Fortis Mumbais' Precision Onco+ Care

  • Precision Oncology
  • Surgical Oncology
  • Medical Oncology
  • Radiation Oncology


  • What types of cancer does Fortis Hospitals' Mumbai treat?
    Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai, India, specialize in cancer treatment, offering comprehensive care for breast, liver, lung, head and neck, spine, stomach, large intestine, pediatric, cervical, and blood cancers.
  • What treatment modalities are available at Fortis Hospital's Mumbai for cancer patients?
    At Fortis Hospitals in Mumbai, India, we take pride in our comprehensive approach to cancer treatment. Our services include surgical oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, bone marrow transplant, and clinical hematology. We offer advanced techniques such as robotic surgery, HIPEC surgery, and targeted therapies to ensure the best possible outcomes for our patients
  • What modes of payment do you accept?
    The mode of payment will be either cash or bank transfer or international credit/debit card/Online Payment. 100 % payment needs to be deposited before surgery/procedure/investigations.
  • Any special facilities and services that you provide international patients?
    ✅ Complimentary Airport pickup and drop ✅ Assist with SIM card, provided to you immediately after your arrival, so that you can talk to your relatives back home ✅ VISA/FRRO assistance ✅ Language interpreters ✅ Foreign Exchange conversion ✅ In-room color television & cable connection ✅ Complimentary Wi-Fi in few of our hospitals ✅ Complimentary stay in your room for one attendant (attendant will have to vacate the hospital room while patient is in OT/ICU. Attendant can be accommodated in a nearby guesthouse.) ✅ Special arrangements to meet specific religious or dietary needs.
  • What about my doctor appointments?
    Our International Patient Coordinator will liaise between you and the hospital. He/She will arrange your appointment and assist for further investigations and treatment.
  • Where will I stay till I’m admitted to the hospital or after I’m discharged?
    Basis your requirements, we can arrange accommodation for you and your attendant close to the hospital at nearby guest houses, service apartments or luxurious 5-star hotels. Facilities like hospital visits, cab services and emergency ambulance can also be arranged by International Patient Coordinator.
  • Will you arrange for an airport pickup?
    Sure. Before your arrival, our International Patient coordinator will provide the name and contact details of our representative who will be present at the airport to receive you with your name on Fortis Placard. This person will escort you to the hospital or guest house / hotel booked in advance.
  • Can you help me get a visa?
    Certainly. Once you confirm your visit to our facility for medical treatment, we will send a visa invitation letter to the Indian Embassy in your country. A copy of the letter will be shared with you on email for reference. Kindly share the following details via email in case you require a visa invitation letter: ✔ Patient's name and passport number (along with a copy of passport) ✔ Medical escort's name and passport number (along with a copy of passport) ✔ Country ✔ Tentative date of arrival at Fortis for treatment. ✔ Incase medical opinion is not taken from Fortis, then please share the medical report/ referral ✔ letter from a local doctor from your country.
  • How does Fortis Healthcare compare with other hospitals?
    Fortis Healthcare Limited – an IHH Healthcare Berhad Company – is a leading integrated healthcare services provider in India. It is one of the largest healthcare organizations in the country with 27 healthcare facilities, 4,300 operational beds and 400 diagnostics centers. International Exposure Over 2,00,000 international patients were treated from 175+ countries. We also have 20+ international Govt. tie-ups. Premium Services Fortis is known for providing excellent service for its international patients, making the care delivery system flawless and convenient for everyone. Choice Of Location Fortis Hospitals are located across all major metro and non-metro Indian cities and one can decide to get treated at a location of his/her choice. Value For Money Fortis provides world-class service at competitive rates.
  • How does India compare with other countries for medical treatment?
    In the recent years, the healthcare technology in India has leaped to the forefront owing to significant contributions from advancements that are at the center of Indian healthcare system currently and are being monitored via new regulatory frameworks so that patients continue to get benefits. Indian Government also aims at promoting MVT (Medical Value Travel) and taking initiative like HEAL IN INDIA, where we seek to provide "integrated and holistic treatment" to the world and enhance patient mobility for access to world class, affordable, and quality healthcare services
  • What if my Visa expires in middle of treatment?
    Patient attendant needs to report to International Patient care coordinator at least 7 days prior to Visa’s expiry. He/she will assist you with the Visa extension process. Charges for Visa extension must be borne by patient as per Government charges.
  • What is the process to avail International Insurance?
    We have multiple International Insurance companies on our panel. We request you to kindly share the name of your insurance company or Third-Party Administrator (TPA) and a front/back copy of your insurance card to assist you further.
  • Will I be able to claim my medical expenses from my health insurance provider?
    This depends upon your policy clauses and can be confirmed by your insurance company only. In case you are eligible for pay and reimburse, then Fortis team will help you with all relevant medical documents related to your treatment conducted at Fortis.
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Story of Saif | Mulund International

Submitted by monika.chaudha… on Sat, 05/04/2024 - 12:33

Saif was suffering from Long QT syndrome (LQTS) which is a heart rhythm condition that can potentially cause Arrhythmia, chaotic heartbeats and even fatal Cardiac arrests. He was treated by Dr. Atul Limaye, Consultant Interventional Cardiology, Fortis Hospital Mulund. We used Lead Extraction technology, due to which we got successful results in removing the infected lead and the entire system out of the patient's body.

Sat, 05/04/2024 - 12:33

Story of Mr. Dassin | Mulund International

Submitted by monika.chaudha… on Sat, 05/04/2024 - 12:20

Mr. Dassin from Zambia was a patient who was recently diagnosed with kidney disease, was on dialysis for over a month and required a kidney transplant. His transplant was done at Fortis Hospital, Mulund by Dr. Haresh Dodeja, Consultant Nephrology and Kidney Transplant Surgery and his team. After 10 days of surgery, he has recovered well and is ready to fly back.

Sat, 05/04/2024 - 12:20

Story of Simon from Uganda | International Mulund

Submitted by monika.chaudha… on Sat, 05/04/2024 - 12:11

Embark on a heartwarming journey with Sheila from Uganda in this touching video. Sheila shares her experience of travelling to Mumbai specifically for her son's surgery at Fortis Hospital Mulund. Her son, diagnosed with ASD, received exceptional care and support from the dedicated team of doctors and staff. Sheila expresses her gratitude for the respectful and attentive treatment her family received throughout the journey. The positive interaction and hospitality at Fortis Hospital Mulund left a lasting impact, making their experience a reassuring one.

Sat, 05/04/2024 - 12:11
125+ Bone Marrow Transplants
700+ Robotic Surgeries
200+ Liver Transplants
Fortis Hospitals, Mumbai

Fortis Hospitals Mumbai welcomes thousands of patients from around the world seeking medical care. They come for advanced procedures like heart surgery, advanced cancer treatment, organ transplants, bone surgeries, brain and nerve treatments, kidney disease care, and general health check-ups. 


Our hospitals have highly skilled doctors and specialists who provide top-notch care, leading to excellent results. With four hospitals spread across Mumbai, we are the preferred choice for international patients. We offer comprehensive support throughout the treatment process, from the initial inquiry to help with visas and finding accommodation for patients coming from other countries. Our goal is to ensure patients receive quality care without any hassle.

Why Choose Us

  • 42+ Years of Experience
  • JCI & NABH Accredited Hospitals
  • Clinical Excellence
  • Cutting Edge Technology
  • Language and Currency Conversion Support
  • Expert Pre & Post Operative Care

Our Team of Experts

Fortis Mumbai - Best Hospitals in Mumbai

Our Specialities

Our patient’s stories


  • What modes of payment do you accept?
    The mode of payment will be either cash or bank transfer or international credit/debit card/Online Payment. 100 % payment needs to be deposited before surgery/procedure/investigations.
  • Any special facilities and services that you provide international patients?
    ✅ Complimentary Airport pickup and drop ✅ Assist with SIM card, provided to you immediately after your arrival, so that you can talk to your relatives back home ✅ VISA/FRRO assistance ✅ Language interpreters ✅ Foreign Exchange conversion ✅ In-room color television & cable connection ✅ Complimentary Wi-Fi in few of our hospitals ✅ Complimentary stay in your room for one attendant (attendant will have to vacate the hospital room while patient is in OT/ICU. Attendant can be accommodated in a nearby guesthouse.) ✅ Special arrangements to meet specific religious or dietary needs.
  • What about my doctor appointments?
    Our International Patient Coordinator will liaise between you and the hospital. He/She will arrange your appointment and assist for further investigations and treatment.
  • Where will I stay till I’m admitted to the hospital or after I’m discharged?
    Basis your requirements, we can arrange accommodation for you and your attendant close to the hospital at nearby guest houses, service apartments or luxurious 5-star hotels. Facilities like hospital visits, cab services and emergency ambulance can also be arranged by International Patient Coordinator.
  • Will you arrange for an airport pickup?
    Sure. Before your arrival, our International Patient coordinator will provide the name and contact details of our representative who will be present at the airport to receive you with your name on Fortis Placard. This person will escort you to the hospital or guest house / hotel booked in advance.
  • Can you help me get a visa?
    Certainly. Once you confirm your visit to our facility for medical treatment, we will send a visa invitation letter to the Indian Embassy in your country. A copy of the letter will be shared with you on email for reference. Kindly share the following details via email in case you require a visa invitation letter: ✔ Patient's name and passport number (along with a copy of passport) ✔ Medical escort's name and passport number (along with a copy of passport) ✔ Country ✔ Tentative date of arrival at Fortis for treatment. ✔ Incase medical opinion is not taken from Fortis, then please share the medical report/ referral ✔ letter from a local doctor from your country.
  • How does Fortis Healthcare compare with other hospitals?
    Fortis Healthcare Limited – an IHH Healthcare Berhad Company – is a leading integrated healthcare services provider in India. It is one of the largest healthcare organizations in the country with 27 healthcare facilities, 4,300 operational beds and 400 diagnostics centers. International Exposure Over 2,00,000 international patients were treated from 175+ countries. We also have 20+ international Govt. tie-ups. Premium Services Fortis is known for providing excellent service for its international patients, making the care delivery system flawless and convenient for everyone. Choice Of Location Fortis Hospitals are located across all major metro and non-metro Indian cities and one can decide to get treated at a location of his/her choice. Value For Money Fortis provides world-class service at competitive rates.
  • How does India compare with other countries for medical treatment?
    In the recent years, the healthcare technology in India has leaped to the forefront owing to significant contributions from advancements that are at the center of Indian healthcare system currently and are being monitored via new regulatory frameworks so that patients continue to get benefits. Indian Government also aims at promoting MVT (Medical Value Travel) and taking initiative like HEAL IN INDIA, where we seek to provide "integrated and holistic treatment" to the world and enhance patient mobility for access to world class, affordable, and quality healthcare services
  • What if my Visa expires in middle of treatment?
    Patient attendant needs to report to International Patient care coordinator at least 7 days prior to Visa’s expiry. He/she will assist you with the Visa extension process. Charges for Visa extension must be borne by patient as per Government charges.
  • What is the process to avail International Insurance?
    We have multiple International Insurance companies on our panel. We request you to kindly share the name of your insurance company or Third-Party Administrator (TPA) and a front/back copy of your insurance card to assist you further.
  • Will I be able to claim my medical expenses from my health insurance provider?
    This depends upon your policy clauses and can be confirmed by your insurance company only. In case you are eligible for pay and reimburse, then Fortis team will help you with all relevant medical documents related to your treatment conducted at Fortis.
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Miraculous Recovery: Fortis Hospital Jaipur's Expert Dr. Shyam Sunder Sharma's Care Saves 5-Day-Old from Infection"

Submitted by rimjhim.jain@F… on Fri, 05/03/2024 - 17:19

In an extraordinary journey of hope and healing, Surendra Singh's 5 days old child recovered from a severe third-level infection—a near-death condition—under the expert care of Dr. Shyam Sunder Sharma, Consultant in Neonatology at Fortis Hospital, Jaipur.

#AtFortisWeCare #FortisJaipur

Fri, 05/03/2024 - 17:19
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