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Fortis Institute of Blood Disorders, Gurgaon

The Fortis Institute of Blood Disorders stands as a beacon of hope and healing in the realm of hematology. Dedicated to advancing research, education, and patient care, our institute is at the forefront of tackling various blood-related disorders with precision and compassion.

Comprising a multidisciplinary team of hematologists, oncologists, pathologists, and allied healthcare professionals, we offer comprehensive diagnostic services and state-of-the-art treatments for conditions such as leukemia, lymphoma, anemia, and thrombosis, among others.

At the heart of our institute lies a commitment to personalized care, where each patient receives tailored treatment plans tailored to their unique needs and circumstances. We prioritize not only the physical well-being of our patients but also their emotional and psychological support throughout their journey.

Moreover, the Fortis Institute of Blood Disorders serves as a hub for cutting-edge research and innovation in hematology. Through collaborations with leading academic institutions and industry partners, we strive to develop novel therapies and improve existing treatment modalities to enhance patient outcomes.

In essence, the Fortis Institute of Blood Disorders stands as a beacon of excellence, providing hope, healing, and innovative solutions for individuals grappling with blood disorders across the globe.

Outcomes of a bone marrow transplant 

1. Disease Remission: For many patients with blood cancers or other hematologic disorders, a bone marrow transplant can lead to remission or even cure of the underlying disease.

2. Improved Blood Cell Production: A successful transplant can restore the body's ability to produce healthy blood cells, which can alleviate symptoms such as fatigue, anemia, and susceptibility to infections.

3. Long-Term Survival: Many patients who undergo a bone marrow transplant go on to live long and healthy lives, especially if the transplant is successful in eradicating the disease.

4. Graft-versus-Host Disease (GVHD): One potential complication of a bone marrow transplant is GVHD, where the donor cells attack the recipient's tissues. The severity of GVHD can vary, and it may require ongoing treatment and management.

5. Immune System Recovery: It can take several months to years for the immune system to fully recover after a bone marrow transplant. During this time, patients may be at increased risk of infections and other complications.

Why Choose Us

  • Expert Team
  • 1900+ BMT Transplant
  • Comprehensive Care
  • Innovation and Research
  • Collaborative Partnerships
  • Compassionate Support

Our Team of Experts

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  • What is a bone marrow transplant (BMT)?
    A bone marrow transplant, also known as a stem cell transplant, is a medical procedure used to replace damaged or diseased bone marrow with healthy stem cells
  • What conditions can be treated with a bone marrow transplant?
    Bone marrow transplants are commonly used to treat various cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma, as well as certain non-cancerous conditions such as aplastic anemia and sickle cell disease.
  • What are the types of bone marrow transplants?
    There are two main types of bone marrow transplants: autologous, where the patient's own stem cells are used, and allogeneic, where stem cells from a donor (usually a family member or unrelated donor) are used.
  • What are the risks and complications associated with a bone marrow transplant?
    Risks include infections, graft-versus-host disease (in allogeneic transplants), organ damage, and complications related to the conditioning regimen (chemotherapy/radiation). Close monitoring and supportive care are essential to manage these risks.
  • What is the recovery process like after a bone marrow transplant?
    Recovery varies for each patient but typically involves a hospital stay followed by a period of close monitoring as the new stem cells engraft and the immune system recovers. Patients may need to take medications, undergo follow-up tests, and make lifestyle adjustments to support their recovery.
  • What is the long-term outlook after a bone marrow transplant?
    Many patients experience long-term remission or cure of their underlying condition after a successful transplant. However, ongoing monitoring and follow-up care are necessary to manage potential late effects and complications.
  • How can I learn more about bone marrow transplants and whether it's the right option for me?
    It's important to discuss your specific situation with a healthcare provider who specializes in bone marrow transplants. They can provide personalized information and guidance based on your medical history and needs.
Fortis Escorts, Okhla - The Multispeciality Hub
Offers a comprehensive range of specialties, advanced technologies, and care

Why Choose Us

  • Expert Medical Team: Highly skilled doctors, surgeons, and nurses delivering top medical care
  • Advanced Facilities: State-of-the-art technology ensuring accurate diagnosis, treatment & outcomes
  • Patient Centric Approach: Providing compassionate care and support throughout the patient's journey
  • Commitment to Excellence: Strive to set new benchmarks in healthcare delivery & patient satisfaction

Specialities at Fortis Escorts, Okhla Road, New Delhi

Fortis Escorts, Okhla - The Multispeciality Hub
Offers a comprehensive range of specialties, advanced technologies, and care

Why Choose Us

  • Expert Medical Team: Highly skilled doctors, surgeons, and nurses delivering top medical care
  • Advanced Facilities: State-of-the-art technology ensuring accurate diagnosis, treatment & outcomes
  • Patient Centric Approach: Providing compassionate care and support throughout the patient's journey
  • Commitment to Excellence: Strive to set new benchmarks in healthcare delivery & patient satisfaction

Specialities at Fortis Escorts, Okhla Road, New Delhi

ವಿಸ್ತರಿಸಿದ ಪ್ರಾಸ್ಟೇಟ್‌ಗಾಗಿ ಯುರೋಲಿಫ್ಟ್ - ಡಾ. ಮೋಹನ್ ಕೇಶವಮೂರ್ತಿ | ಫೋರ್ಟಿಸ್ ಆಸ್ಪತ್ರೆಗಳು ಬೆಂಗಳೂರು

Submitted by br.akshatha@FO… on Fri, 02/16/2024 - 15:41

ಫೋರ್ಟಿಸ್ ಆಸ್ಪತ್ರೆಗಳ ಯುರೋ-ಆಂಕೊಲಾಜಿ, ರೋಬೋಟಿಕ್ ಸರ್ಜರಿ, ಮೂತ್ರಶಾಸ್ತ್ರದ ಹಿರಿಯ ನಿರ್ದೇಶಕ ಡಾ ಮೋಹನ್ ಕೇಶವಮೂರ್ತಿ, "ಇತರ ಆಕ್ರಮಣಕಾರಿ ಶಸ್ತ್ರಚಿಕಿತ್ಸೆಗಳಿಗೆ ಹೋಲಿಸಿದರೆ ಯುರೋ-ಲಿಫ್ಟ್ ವಿಧಾನವು ಕಡಿಮೆ ಅಪಾಯವನ್ನು ಉಂಟುಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಚೇತರಿಕೆಯ ಪ್ರಮಾಣವು ಹೆಚ್ಚು ವೇಗವಾಗಿರುತ್ತದೆ. ದಿನದ ಆರೈಕೆಯ ಆಧಾರದ ಮೇಲೆ ಸ್ಥಳೀಯ ಅರಿವಳಿಕೆ." ಮೂತ್ರ ವಿಸರ್ಜನೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ತೊಂದರೆ, ಮೂತ್ರನಾಳದ ಸೋಂಕು, ಮೂತ್ರ ವಿಸರ್ಜಿಸುವಾಗ ಆಗಾಗ್ಗೆ ಸಂವೇದನೆ ಮತ್ತು ಮೂತ್ರ ವಿಸರ್ಜನೆಯ ನಂತರ ಸೋರಿಕೆ ಮುಂತಾದ ರೋಗಲಕ್ಷಣಗಳು ಸೇರಿವೆ.

Fri, 02/16/2024 - 15:41

Bone Marrow Transplant | Dr Niti Krishna Raizada | Fortis Hospital Bannerghatta Road

Submitted by br.akshatha@FO… on Fri, 02/16/2024 - 14:32

Dr. Niti Krishna Raizada, Senior Director of Medical Oncology and Hemato Oncology, Fortis Hospital Bannerghatta Bangalore, provides you with valuable information about bone marrow transplant or peripheral stem cell transplant for hematological cancers or blood cancers. Dr. Niti explains that bone marrow transplant is a technique used for various types of blood cancers, such as leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome, and myeloproliferative neoplasms. There are two main types of bone marrow transplant: autologous transplant and allogeneic transplant.

Fri, 02/16/2024 - 14:32

Medical Oncology | Dr Niti Krishna Raizada | Fortis Hospital Bannerghatta Road

Submitted by br.akshatha@FO… on Fri, 02/16/2024 - 14:20

Dr. Niti Krishna Raizada, Senior Director of Medical Oncology and Hemato Oncology, Fortis Hospital Bannerghatta Road, explores the fascinating world of Medical Oncology, a young and dynamic branch of oncology. Medical Oncology encompasses the entire journey of cancer patients, from the onset of symptoms to diagnosis, staging, and treatment. Dr. Raizada explains how Medical Oncologists specialize in both solid tumors, such as lung, breast, and brain cancer, as well as blood cancers like leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.

Fri, 02/16/2024 - 14:20

Xiaflex for Peyronie's Disease: Innovative Treatment for Penile Curvature | Dr Mohan Keshavamurthy

Submitted by br.akshatha@FO… on Fri, 02/16/2024 - 14:05

In this informative video, Dr. Mohan Keshavamurthy, Chairman - of Renal Sciences Specialty Council, Fortis Hospitals (India) & Director of Urology, Uro-Oncology, Andrology, Transplant & Robotic Surgery at Fortis Hospitals, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore explains revolutionary treatment option known as Xiaflex for Peyronie's Disease. Peyronie's Disease is a condition that causes a curvature or bending of the penis, often resulting in pain and difficulties during sexual intercourse. Dr.

Fri, 02/16/2024 - 14:05
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